the longest sentence in the world copy and pastethe longest sentence in the world copy and paste

the longest sentence in the world copy and paste the longest sentence in the world copy and paste

That's right, folks, mass hypnosis via commercials. What makes them undesirable for pie? Not that I know anything about medicineor cancer for that matter. Okay, quote is done. Hmmmmmhas any old, senile person ever written anything? When I tried to talk to him, he tossed it away nonchalantly and pretended he hadn't heard me. I don't care if I have to ride the bus home if I stop work. I think I'm so tired I can't sleep. The whole thing. Today's rant is a panic rant. Or You are What you Eat. *gagged reader glares* What's that? Hits all right. Even though my schedule is technically supposed to be completly differnt. Think about it. *there's that darn cricket again* And I have a genuine question to ask all of my loyal readers *cough-cough* Okay, here it is: Is it normal for a non-gender specific sibling to carry around various dead reptiles (snakes, turtles, lizards etc.) Of course, when I started out I accidentally hit the rocks approximately three million times. Whatever the case, I decided that the whole world, (or three of four random people) deserve to know that if the world and or universe are destroyed, it's the evil, little, white, feather's fault. There's salt, of course, and aluminum sulfate, and other compounds. i hate dress shoes. Except for maybe five and six. People just don't realize that their almonds and mixed nuts may be having depression and other problems. (it's edited, of course, to stay PG13**** signifies a random naugty word:)) "HEY, DOG ENTITY! It'd be like when you go to the bottom of the ocean, only with gravity instead of pressure*shudders* Pressure is evil, too. Surely you have heard of her? I love the little tacos, I love them good! TACO is still in my heart. In the beginning of the movie, Neo is having dreams about Trinity's death. Hmmmmmmm. Please find all options here. (and redundancy!) I can just see Hot Dog, and Pizza trucks roaming the neighbor hoods, selling treats to hungry childrenand adults. Why, because they assume it's better quality. Sad to admit, but the majority of people would rather read the summary at the back of a book rather than the whole book itself. Maybe I should just give up. Each Friday, I wait (all tingly with anticipation) for the weekend so that I can stay up 'till the wee hours of the morning and sleep past noon. The end is not here. But it's legs were still moving and it was alive. It was one of my friends. Although I acted like an idiot. Either way, he got assasinated. So the game naturally did everything it could to preserve my life. There were many people that were the same age as me and my siblings (no one in the room but us were under 30) Us kids had to be dragged kicking and screaming from the bar ( I almost fell asleep during the last game I watched) As we left, there was a feeling of goodwill and fellowship between all(my sister locked me out of the car and wouldn't let me in untill I started yelling profanity in her general direction) The high point of the entire night was when my mother gave me $21 for my report card. GrrrrI had a nifty rant all planned out in my head. You are deviousI give you that. Plus, the fire gradually gets louder, and hotter, and smokier. ALWAYS. Then, she accidently woke our three yappy dogs up, and they relized that they were in a car. Halfway though I used my four remaining brain-cells to decide that the game was dumb. Let's keep in touch. I mean, after all, I made this site. The foil will make up the beak and the folded legs, and the thruster can simulate the tail. Number Five: I could have read more books, played more video games and watched more mindless television. After standing around a lotthe ceremony started. Work. If I were to suddenly convert this entrie site into a *shudders* Backstreet Boys fan site or something, you wouldn't be any more suprised than I would be if my brother woke up one day and suddenly realized that he's shallow. And now, for the million-dollar question: How many calories are there in a single serving of Mustard? 20 min ago It was as if it had been just sitting therewaiting for me to discover it. NO, wait. I'll add that to the FLAMING CHICKENS HANDBOOK. Which I suppose may be a good thing, seeing as how I'm currently in a Longest Text Ever Rivalry with Galaxy Dreamer's site. With the exact same words, motions and emotions. there were lots of fireworks. Come on all you non-existing people! It's wrong, I tell you. Hmmmmtime for #3You can obsessive over ANYTHING, and people will think nothing of it. It's time to warn you, the viewererreaderabout the evils of various stuff. I can't remember what. Which fits the motif of the rest of the site. The insanity and stupidity is mind boggling! We accept PayPal, Venmo (@openculture), Patreon and Crypto! I have a guest rant/fake commercial written by "Meg" (who is once again banned from accessing the almighty Internet). But, if it had remained that way, I would have had no impetus to continue my pointlessly insane ranting. | 12.46 KB, JSON | Welllet's see. And any weirdness I could come up with would be normal compared to Noodle Boy, soI bid thee farewellseeya! I promise. ` Help me! Yes, that's right. So far this is nowhere near the world record. I have more stuff to write, but I gotta go right now. I'm back! SHE has to get up at 6:11 to put on make-up, do her hair and basically annoy the heck out of me. In return companies would make a profit, pay their workers better. i couldn't hear it because someone had put the speakers facing the audience. Either way, Kodak is undeniably evil. I worked for four hours at the "Library of Terror" sponsered by TAB. And I asked myself "How could I have better spent my time?" That sounds good, too. I mean, don't you think the creators of Cheese-Nips had a box of Cheez-Its out when they were designing their product? Even though it gains pleasure from squishing my spine. That's exactly what tanning is like. Have you ever had the evil pop-up that says that if you click here, it'll get rid off all the annoying pop-ups? Were hoping to rely on our loyal readers rather than erratic ads. My calculator is nifty. Minerals added for a pure, fresh taste." After a film adaptation of Salinger's 'The Catcher in the Rye,' writer, artist and director Nigel Tomm publishes the longest sentence which contains the longest word. I think that such gender-specific torture should be deemed inhumane and abolished from our great societyof flaming chickens. Today I had the misfortune of playing a Treasure Planet game on It was terrible. It's annoying. After all, isn't that basicly what the best teachers do? Woooo! If the universe is infinite it would be crazy to think that we're alone. This is a test, I repeat only a test. But that is false! Now I'd better go and torture my Moose with it:) I am officially back. A copy of "Ulysses" pops up in "Green Coaster," the 33-page, single-sentence . Goodbyeoh, and the fresh chicken wings might be to blame. How do you PROVE something is not infinite? Yesthat's rightsuicide. While you wait for yesterday's tomorrow, lunge back and remember that day. Think about that old saying about "If you gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, eventually they would reproduce the entire works of Shakespear". *hides large ax behind back* Come here, topic! Just like a real psychologist. I'm leaving. G. (f(t)) d(t) = - Here is the same long equation with a single equation number. Just exactly like Father if Father had known as much about it the night before I went out there as he did the day after I came back thinking Mad impotent old man who realized at last that there must be some limit even to the capabilities of a demon for doing harm, who must have seen his situation as that of the show girl, the pony, who realizes that the principal tune she prances to comes not from horn and fiddle and drum but from a clock and calendar, must have seen himself as the old wornout cannon which realizes that it can deliver just one more fierce shot and crumble to dust in its own furious blast and recoil, who looked about upon the scene which was still within his scope and compass and saw son gone, vanished, more insuperable to him now than if the son were dead since now (if the son still lived) his name would be different and those to call him by it strangers and whatever dragons outcropping of Sutpen blood the son might sow on the body of whatever strange woman would therefore carry on the tradition, accomplish the hereditary evil and harm under another name and upon and among people who will never have heard the right one; daughter doomed to spinsterhood who had chosen spinsterhood already before there was anyone named Charles Bon since the aunt who came to succor her in bereavement and sorrow found neither but instead that calm absolutely impenetrable face between a homespun dress and sunbonnet seen before a closed door and again in a cloudy swirl of chickens while Jones was building the coffin and which she wore during the next year while the aunt lived there and the three women wove their own garments and raised their own food and cut the wood they cooked it with (excusing what help they had from Jones who lived with his granddaughter in the abandoned fishing camp with its collapsing roof and rotting porch against which the rusty scythe which Sutpen was to lend him, make him borrow to cut away the weeds from the door-and at last forced him to use though not to cut weeds, at least not vegetable weeds -would lean for two years) and wore still after the aunts indignation had swept her back to town to live on stolen garden truck and out o f anonymous baskets left on her front steps at night, the three of them, the two daughters negro and white and the aunt twelve miles away watching from her distance as the two daughters watched from theirs the old demon, the ancient varicose and despairing Faustus fling his final main now with the Creditors hand already on his shoulder, running his little country store now for his bread and meat, haggling tediously over nickels and dimes with rapacious and poverty-stricken whites and negroes, who at one time could have galloped for ten miles in any direction without crossing his own boundary, using out of his meagre stock the cheap ribbons and beads and the stale violently-colored candy with which even an old man can seduce a fifteen-year-old country girl, to ruin the granddaughter o f his partner, this Jones-this gangling malaria-ridden white man whom he had given permission fourteen years ago to squat in the abandoned fishing camp with the year-old grandchild-Jones, partner porter and clerk who at the demons command removed with his own hand (and maybe delivered too) from the showcase the candy beads and ribbons, measured the very cloth from which Judith (who had not been bereaved and did not mourn) helped the granddaughter to fashion a dress to walk past the lounging men in, the side-looking and the tongues, until her increasing belly taught her embarrassment-or perhaps fear;-Jones who before 61 had not even been allowed to approach the front of the house and who during the next four years got no nearer than the kitchen door and that only when he brought the game and fish and vegetables on which the seducer-to-bes wife and daughter (and Clytie too, the one remaining servant, negro, the one who would forbid him to pass the kitchen door with what he brought) depended on to keep life in them, but who now entered the house itself on the (quite frequent now) afternoons when the demon would suddenly curse the store empty of customers and lock the door and repair to the rear and in the same tone in which he used to address his orderly or even his house servants when he had them (and in which he doubtless ordered Jones to fetch from the showcase the ribbons and beads and candy) direct Jones to fetch the jug, the two of them (and Jones even sitting now who in the old days, the old dead Sunday afternoons of monotonous peace which they spent beneath the scuppernong arbor in the back yard, the demon lying in the hammock while Jones squatted against a post, rising from time to time to pour for the demon from the demijohn and the bucket of spring water which he had fetched from the spring more than a mile away then squatting again, chortling and chuckling and saying `Sho, Mister Tawm each time the demon paused)-the two of them drinking turn and turn about from the jug and the demon not lying down now nor even sitting but reaching after the third or second drink that old mans state of impotent and furious undefeat in which he would rise, swaying and plunging and shouting for his horse and pistols to ride single-handed into Washington and shoot Lincoln (a year or so too late here) and Sherman both, shouting, Kill them! *sigh* I can't think of anything to write. Since then, hundreds of authors have been inspired by the experimental writers sentence structure, including James Joyce, Virginia Woolf, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Samuel Beckett, and other modern literature greats. It's been awhile, (at least two weeks) since I've written here. In this article, the reply I said "The Union fought" With a crack, snaple and pop, some random synapses in her brain connected in the right order and she said "CONFEDERACY!!!" Is your school playground a gateay to the underworld? It's stupid and ironic and just shouldn't exist in a better world. But, if you expect something and get something you feel nothing. The Official FLaming-Chickens Handbook already confirms that fact! Parents would buy their children computers, video games and other television neccesities. Now I'm back again. She HATES and FEARS it. Now I'm back. World's largest sentence. For all you know, you could be halucinating my entire site! Grape Pie. Seeya. If I had 500np with me, I'd be at-500. But, believe me, it's MUCH more practical than the alternative. Warning* Extremely long pasta. PARTS BREAK AFTER OVERUSE!! OF FREAKIN' COURSE IT WAS FREE! You wanna play that way. Everything is fine. Okay. You're shocked at my selfish, bad, memory. Then, when I win 500 additional np, I move to the 500np point. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm getting bored, so I think I'm done for the day. I could be playing neopets, but ever since my bad experience with Treasure Planet, I don't feel like it. Random people will think they've gone crazy, after a seemingly innocent visit to the zoo. Unfortuantly, we had already driven 337 miles toward our destination. Just like all those reports people have to do. It was pretty good. It'd probley be as popular as those game shows that no one's ever heard of. Is that too much to ask? But, what would be the fun in that? thank you always. It can be very confusing, especially if you weren't paying attention in the first place. Fire is good. 100% of something. This morning, my Mom came home from work. You cannot follow the vast, mind-boggling logic that is ME! The boat sailed on . But it's all good. It makes me sad*sniffle* WellI feel better now. But I'm sure that if I just would have put my mind to it, I could have done it. Today, I was checking out some weird news. I love owls. API tools faq. I wonder what it's name would be. In any caseit's awful. 44 min ago is it the word be found in the 17th, and 18th letters? *pauses* Oh. I'm glad you're not just in my life but that you're my better half. There is a world where you are a slave to your TOASTER OVEN. I sincerely appologize if anyone is offended by my view of memorization. YOU'RE ALL ZOMBIE THIGH-FAT PEOPLE BROUGHT INTO ANIMATION BY SOME EVIL FORCE OF FORCEFUL EVIL!!! But I must. as many times as possible before you splattered your brains on the rocks, all the while listening to a soundtrack that is similar to a dying ceiling fan. I wonder if I've made the world record? The first time, I didn't save it. The World's Largest Maths Problem Has Been Solved, And It. I'm not sure how I CAN be brief since I have absolutly nothing to say. 'Ah the power of cheese!' This would have resulted in the deaths of numerous pedistriansand I would still probably be wondering around in search of a McDonalds. CHECK OUT MY ARMPITS!!! Anyway, I'm gonna go. Any way, I'm leaving to eat some Cheessy goodness! No matter how unlikely something is, if the universe is infinite, it's happening an infinite number of times. Of course, you also end life by sneezing, eating, sleeping, and watching T.V. I swear. To pour your heart and soul into a passage, and have everyone ignore it. Or possibly a really good president who wanted to fly to the moon. Suprised? If you have some extra time, you can read it at Chomp" And he bites it. An enemy so dangerous that Moose fears it above all others. The reason I have to get up at 6 something is that III ride the bus to school. Think about it. You got me started. Did you really think I'd give you guys my ADDRESS? Towards the end of the movie, Neo chooses to tell Trinity to stay out of the Matrix, since he saw her die in it. Hey, where are you going?! Okay, I'm done with that litte commercial. Okay. You haven't been paying attention have you? Oh, and I would like to mention to my *snicker* LOYAL fans that this Longest Text Ever DOES get updated at least once a week, so please, please, please, PLEASE do not read this once, in one sitting and then leave forever, and ever and ever! The researches even used highly advanced technololgy to map the surface of a pancake and compare it to documented geology of Kansas. Hey, I'm once again: back. I have to wonderwhy would Kodak do such a thing. Why, that would be insane, wouldn't it? It's so completly garbled, it's funny. It would sneeze, then start it's eight-hour-long death hum. When you look at them they are identical to the evil little Cheez-Its. One person, started typing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue typing it forever just because this is the list that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friends, some person started typing it notetc, etc. Gee, I hope not! I'm sorry that today's rant isn't random, insane or completely chaotic, but I must right my experience with The Matrix before I forget. Cheese is not a wild thing!!!!!!!!! *sniffle* Why must this be? Needless to say, I felt right at home. Are you happy? Or, at the very least, not label it as "pure". Makes you wonder about "reality" television, huh? I have to get up really early to leave for home. Right now, I'm just typing so that no one can say that I've been slacking off. NowI'm gonna go and worry about the light on my toaster ovenseeya! I suppose that is the bane of all authors. are completly accidental and are not the fault/responsibility of the creators. When I'm older, I would like to have a fursuit, go to furry conventions, all that stuff. Noone can do everything, so how can you expect a SIGN, with the I.Q. I'm just rambling. YES, I'M YELLING! The moment Neo woke from dreams of Trinity's death, he made a choice. You complete me in all ways. Gambling is so much fun! In any case, wouldn't the blinkie light help night-vision cameras see in the dark? Mar 25th, 2014. Would it be called DIS? I'm gonna go hug a moose. This means that we only have a very short while to prepare. And then I was unable to get on the computer and I forgot most of it. Yeah, I know, regular schedule schools do that. School children won't be able to correctly identify the color of a zebra. | 13.41 KB, JSON | You knowI enjoy having these conversations with you. Somy lack of a car and driving skills force me to use the bus, which comes for me 45 minutes before my school even starts. "Yep, Bill, time to dump the arsnic in so it tastes pure!" Ooooooo! Here is a long equation without line number. Right? It would hum, and hum, and humand then mercifully die. All I know is that I've been assuming one thing while the person in charge has been assuming a completly different thing. I once*embarassed pause* had "Hey, You! Code: 742 of the Flaming Chickens Handbook states that in no part does the Patron Saint of Paper Clips (That's still me!) But, the wings were'nt really special. or possibly "Who or What is Kodak". But I can't help but think of stuff like the evil over lord list and REALLY REALLY BIG BUTTON THAT DOESN'T DO ANYTHING. That doesn't make any senseyou can't BE something abstractcan you? I, personally, am obsessed with, kitties, bunnies, bats, this website, drawing, making intriate little patterns with strings, doing mildly repetitive activities, being weird, apparantly making lists and cheeseand chickensand flame. That's the sixth time I've said back! His syntax has a way of weaving itself into the unconscious, emerging as fair to middling imitation. And almost never finish. Which is why I still go to the Really Really Big Button That Doesn't Do Anything website. All rights reserved. I'll just go on and on about how crazy you COULD be. You gots extra money, don't you? No! I've spent the past three years of my life EXPECTING each semester to be like a mini-year. Make your wife happy by sending her any of these romantic long paragraphs here. They particularly liked how I said that she went back and ran over it 11 more times. MEOW!MEOW!MEOW! Today was Halloween. I don't want to be in this messI'm going to bed. Or maybe I am monumentally bored and don't have anything else to do at the moment. GeeI sure hope it wasn't poisonous. The last day, we were deciding where to eat. | 13.41 KB, JSON | (Although my mother does have a "earring tree".) (Note: I wrote virtually none of this, so I cannot be blamed, credited with any of this. Then it would be okay. Haha, oops. We had to do an essay on a book. You could be the figment of someone else's dream. You're only browsing it. Well, too bad! I knowyou are as shocked as I am. My mom and my stupid little 10-year old sister loves it, though. That's right! Receive our Weekly Newsletter. Or maybe the Energizer Bunny. And now, back to our featured presentation. *normal voice* Today I have a very important to discuss with you in this: PERFECTLY NORMAL PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCMENT. If not, then some day, when the Internet is down and I'm really bored, I will construct a model OFCR and attempt to launch it. EVIIIIIIIIIIIIL!!!!!! It's a law, I think. (Which I think does not exist) My point is, if you've bothered to read this, then, (like me) you probley have also read the ketchup bottle so many times that you have it down verbatim. I mean, I don't think I could afford a monkey, and I'm not exactly on the streets. He took the TAB member quiz and turned out to be me, he took the JOB quiz, and was a repo man (which had a pic of my brother) He said he wanted to see what I was doing, and to make sure that I wasn't saying anything derrogatory about my parents. I SEE YOUR GAME! WaitI really don't even know if anyone bothers to read this. No one is really coming here, anyway. Did you find it? It means that WAL-MART TV IS EVIL! It's not fair. I have three very hard academic classes. It's true, and all, but I have no proof about wal-mart, or certain fast food resteraunts. Maybe I should start on a boring disclaimerEh-hem. Since I have a rather weird phobia of touching my own skinthis made my evening my own personall torture session. And I hava a very, almost special rant for you. Sorry if I complained a lot. I'm back. about my site, and called me weird. Also, I guess I still am trying to get the world record. I probley should have capitalized something, or underlined but I'm feeling lazyhey, you try to keep your two and a half readers happy! You're great tradition is being carried out here, on the second most pointless site ever! Time for another boring disclaimer!!!!!!! Maybe you're lost. this is not a long paragraph it is multiple, I am just not as pretty as my friend Haylee she is fab so give me a chance for this job. I'm back! I'm back. What line of buisness, do you ask? 5 Wonderfully Long Literary Sentences by Samuel Beckett, Virginia Woolf, F. Scott Fitzgerald & Other Masters of the Run-On, Seven Tips From William Faulkner on How to Write Fiction, William Faulkner Reads from As I Lay Dying, Josh Jonesis a writer and musician based in Durham, NC. Unsubscribe at any time. I don't want year-round classes. That's right, folks. "Lots of death, lots and lots of death in this section. Kinda like me and "Meg" webcomic we are trying to do. that was recognised in the 1983 Guinness Book of World Records was the longest ever written. The point is that it is nice to have readers. One of my friends (who laughed at the armidillo story) named Tonileigh said "Jenny (that's me) is weirder than the average Psycho." Seeya! Don't worry, I'll go to bed soon. Okay, back to the flaming-chickens LTE rivalry. I'm goin' light on the advertising at the moment, which is why I'm free to write here. That's the rant of the week, month, year, whatever. Okay. I think. He can deactivate the machines, (squidies) but at great personal cost. This has been a public service announcment. There may also be evil little links that are designed to confuse you.

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